Traceable Sentry Thermometer °F/°C
A triple display constantly shows high, low, and current temperatures. Instantly view if freezer, water bath, or incubator is within temperature spec. Monitor temperature of any experiment when you're not there”overnight, weekends, even during lunch.
Micro cable for sealed spaces:
Sensor and 10-foot cable may be placed under water, in refrigerator, or freezer. Small cable diameter (1/16-inch) allows refrigerator doors to close on it with no effect. Unplugging the cable activates a sensor inside the unit for monitoring ambient room temperature.
One-button operation is a snap:
Simple, one-button operation resets the high/low memories. Probe's wire-mounting bracket permits easy sensor placement. Low battery is signaled on the display.
Traceable to NIST for accuracy:
To assure accuracy an individually serial-numbered Traceable® Certificate is provided from our ISO 17025 calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability to standards provided by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
- Product number COCSEN024
- Small Profile - Display Only ( No Audible Alarm )
- Range is 58 to 158°F or 50 to 70°C
- Resolution 1°
- Accuracy is ±1°C
- Cable dimensions: diameter 1/16-inch diameter 10-foot length
- Unit size is 2-5/8 x 2-1/2 x 3/4 inches
- Weight is 1-7/8 ounces
- Maximum and minimum memory
- 10-foot-long 1/16-inch-diameter waterproof probe
- Simple one-button operation
- Unit's high-impact ABS plastic case has a flip-open stand wall hanging hook magnet and Velcro mounting tape
- Traceable Sentry Thermometer °F/°C
- Technical Support