Single Change Thermal Paint @ 155°C
Single Change Thermal Paints provide clear indication when temperature have been exceeded, proving to be an extremely useful aid to the industrial, chemical and petrochemical markets. An ideal tool for monitoring temperature on refractory lined vessels. Showing a rise in surface temperature where the refractory linings have broken down.
Changes From Blue to Dark Green
Changes From Blue to Dark Green
(1) Liter of SC155 Paint Expert Technical Support
The best way to apply the paint is to spray it on. After a good stirring this paint should be good for spraying It all depends on the size of the jet you are using to spray thru- the paint pigment size is larger than normal paint, so some experimenting maybe required we are not specialist in spraying, however thin coats are always best as they stick better and color change much better. In your case you might be better using high quality brush and apply still with thin even thin coats 1 liter of paint should cover 87 square feet