“K” Thermocouple Extension Grade Wire

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25 – 99$0.99
100 – 249$0.89
250 – 499$0.79
500 – 999$0.69
1000 +$0.59
Provided: Feet
Polyvinyl Jacket Max 220°F / 105°C
Yellow/Chromel + Red/Alumel - (Red is Magnetic)
Type “K” Wire, Polyvinyl Jacket, 20 Ga. Solid


Current Stock: 930

Notable Features

XWK-20-PP Type K Extension Wire Polyvinyl Insulation 20 Gauge-Solid Wire
Sold As: Feet
Thermocouple Type: Thermocouple
Wire Material: Polyvinyl Jacket
Wire Gauge: 20
Max Temp: Polyvinyl is rated at max 220°F / 105°C
Special Limits: CALL
  • "K" Extension Wire, 20 Ga.Solid  Polyvinyl  
  • Cut to your purchased length
  • Expert Technical Support

Things to remember when working with “K” Thermocouple Wire.    Remember RED is always negative.

Do not mis-match other thermocouple calibrations ( ie: J, T, E, etc...) to thermocouple plugs and jacks.  This creates serious thermocouple error.  Remember to match the color codes Yellow to Yellow "+" and Red to Red "–"

If connecting wire to miniature thermocouple plugs and jacks it's easier to attach 24 ga or smaller wires and use a cable clamp to prevent shorting of the wires inside the connector.

If using standard size thermocouple plugs and jacks make sure to use a cable clamp to secure the wire to the plug or jack.  Additionally this will help stop the wires from twisting and shorting inside the connector.  When that happens you have created a new thermocouple junction and this means your instrument will read  ambient temperature and not the process temperature.

More Questions…..?  Please call a TIPTEMP Thermal advisor. 1-800-TIP-TEMP

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