WarmMark Long-Run Indicator 31°C/88°F

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Provided: Each
Rising Temperature Monitor
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  • Line #1 indicates 12 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #2 indicates 30 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #3 indicates 60 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #4 indicates 110 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #5 indicates 168 cumulative hours above temperature

Notable Features

The WarmMark Long-Run is a cost-effective, disposable temperature indicator that monitors temperatures during transport and storage, indicating whether goods have been subjected to unacceptable conditions. Affixed directly to your products or their packaging, these reliable temperature indicators provide visual evidence of exposure to unacceptable temperature levels, allowing you to determine if product quality has been compromised. Use of the WarmMark Long-Run can have a positive effect on your bottom line because it indicates a product’s long-term exposure to temperature excursions.
If the window of the WarmMark Long-Run indicator stays white, there’s no problem. But if the temperature climbs beyond a specific threshold, a red dye moves through the windows of the indicator with the passage of time. If the temperature returns to below the threshold, the dye stops its progression. In this way, handlers and shippers can know how long the product was exposed above the threshold temperature.
  • Field-armable with pull tab
  • Black stripes show product armed
  • Accuracy: + / -1°C
  • Storage: Room temperature or cold storage
  • Shelf life: One year from date of manufacture
  • L x W x thickness 0.75 in × 3.88 in × 0.06 in
  • Line #1 indicates 12 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #2 indicates 30 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #3 indicates 60 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #4 indicates 110 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Line #5 indicates 168 cumulative hours above temperature
  • Minimum order quantity - Please Call!
Arming & Use:

1. *All WarmMark breach window(s) should be white prior to arming the device.

2.Before arming, the WarmMark indicator should be placed in an environment at least 5°C (9°F) below the WarmMark’s activation threshold temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes. (For WarmMark Duo, the indicator should be at least 5°C (9°F) or cooler for a minimum of 30 minutes.)

3. To arm the WarmMark indicator, fold up and pull out the indicator’s activation tab until the tab and barrier film have been completely removed.

4. If using a WarmMark indicator with an activation threshold temperature below the ambient temperature, immediately place the indicator in the environment to be monitored to avoid activation.

5. Remove the adhesive liner from the WarmMark and adhere the indicator to a clean, dry surface.
  • The WarmMark should be located where it will be visible to the receiver of the monitored shipment.
  • The WarmMark can be adhered directly to the product being monitored or located inside the packaging.

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